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Export of MAQI products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All MAQI products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant MAQI: flat-seam, special, automatic, universal and loop sewing machines with a flat and cylindrical platform, overlocks, interlocks, accessories
  • Flat-seam sewing machines MAQI
    Flat-seam sewing machines
    Q7T, Q2, LS 9520MX-TD3, etc.
  • Overlocks MAQI
    X5Se, X5S, X4C, X1C/X2C, etc.
  • Interlocks MAQI
    W5, W4, LS 720-356, LS 1412P, etc.
  • Special sewing machines MAQI
    Special sewing machines
    LS 1591N-D3, LS-T9820, LS-T1790C, etc.
  • Automatic Sewing Machines MAQI
    Automatic Sewing Machines
    M10, M928, M928-EM-SA-LC, etc.
  • Universal Sewing machines MAQI
    Universal Sewing machines
    LS8900H, LS8900, LS9800MX, etc.
  • Chain Stitch Sewing Machines MAQI
    Chain Stitch Sewing Machines
    LS26-1A, etc.
  • Sewing machines with a flat platform MAQI
    Sewing machines with a flat platform
    LS31016-01CB, LS31016-05CB, etc.
  • Sewing machines with cylindrical platform MAQI
    Sewing machines with cylindrical platform
    LS 32026-01CB, etc.
  • Loop Sewing Machines MAQI
    Loop Sewing Machines
    LS-T781D, LS-T781, LS-T783NV, etc.
  • Sewing machines for heavy materials MAQI
    Sewing machines for heavy materials
    LS-T4400, LS-T4420, LS0303XX, etc.
  • Accessories MAQI
    for overlocks, interlocks, etc.


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